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Dr. Susan E. Mason


DePaul Hall - First Floor, Room 108

Phone: 716.286.8358


Dr. Susan E. Mason


Dr. Susan E. Mason joined the Niagara University psychology faculty in September of 1979, after serving on the faculty at Buffalo State College (1977-1978) and the faculty at West Virginia University (1978-1979). She served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Niagara University from 1987 to 1997 and as vice president for academic affairs from 1997 to 2002.

Focus of Teaching

Dr. Susan E. Mason has taught a variety of courses at the undergraduate level, from first-year seminar to senior seminar. Particular teaching interests include statistics, psychology of aging, gerontology, and cross-cultural psychology. Dr. Mason also enjoys supervising honors theses, internships, and independent study projects.

Current Research

As one who teaches statistics, Dr. Mason is interested in identifying factors that contribute to statistics anxiety in students. The goal of the research is to develop teaching methods that reduce anxiety and improve performance. Another area of research interest is memory and aging.

Dr. Mason has published articles on a wide variety of topics including statistics education, mental imagery, age differences in the use and effectiveness of various mnemonic techniques, memory for names and faces, visual search, time perception, attitudes toward the elderly, stereotypes, emotional well-being, cross-cultural gerontology, environmental concerns, active learning, and collaborative learning.

Current Involvement

  • Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Dale Association
  • Health Association of Niagara County Volunteer Board
  • Dickinson College Volunteer Society
  • Reviewer for several journal and textbook publishers
  • University and College of Arts and Sciences Inclusive Excellence Committees
  • Institutional Review Board
  • Ostapenko Center for Ethics in Medicine and Healthcare
  • Committee on Recommendations for Pre-medical and Pre-dental Students
  • Academic Appeal Board

Educational Background

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Psychology, minor in Education, Dickinson College, 1974
  • Master of Science in Experimental Psychology, minor in Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1975
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Psychology, minor in Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1977