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Dr. Diane S. Halm

Faculty Fellow - English

Dunleavy Hall, Third Floor, Room 365

Phone: 716.286.8455



Dr. Diane S. Halm


An adjunct member of the English Department since 2001, Professor Halm was appointed as a Faculty Fellow in 2015. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at SUNY Buffalo, and her dissertation focuses on the relationship between writing, cognition, and student success. While she has taught over 60 sections of Writing & Thinking 100, she is especially committed to her developmental learners who benefit from support in the form of scaffolded activities and modeling.

Educational Background

  • B.S. Niagara University, TTT
  • B.A. SUNY at Buffalo, English Literature, Minor in Secondary Education
  • M.Ed. SUNY at Buffalo, English Education
  • Ph.D. Expected graduation 2016, SUNY at Buffalo, English Education