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Dr. David A. Reilly


Bailo Hall - First Floor, Room 112

Phone: 716.286.8088



Dr. David Reilly


Dr. David A. Reilly is the director of international studies and chair of the Department of Political Science. He works with spatial analytic techniques to better understand why some states fail, how governments democratize, why leaders choose to repress or protect human rights and why countries go to war. Raised on a horse farm in New Hampshire, Dr. Reilly gained his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder. His major focus in all of his research has been on how ideas and information flow across borders. His publications include works in World Politics, Geopolitics, Journal of Conflict Studies, and East European Politics and Societies, and blend his expertise in International Relations with his interest in global trends.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. International Relations/Political Science, University of Colorado (2001)