Mindful Movement Events

We are excited to announce the Mindfulness Conversations Conference event that will be held on October 19-20, 2024. Saturday, October 19th will be dedicated to Mindfulness in the professions. Sunday, October 20th will be dedicated to Mindful Movement.  Both days are for Educators, Health Professionals, Law Enforcement, First-Responders, and the Military and are intended to assist attendees and those they work with to find ways to survive and thrive during these uncertain times.

Mindfulness Conversations Conference

Register for Conference

QiWell and the Center for Mindful Practice will be offering free weekly online Qigong class on Sunday evenings at 7.  The intention is to spend time together relaxing and releasing from the past week and weekend to get ready for the week ahead.

Live classes including selected practices from QiGong masters will introduce you to various styles and structures..  The classes are for both beginners and for those who are more advanced.  That is the beauty of Qigong…there is something for everyone regardless of experience!

Below you will find the ongoing link that you can use for our classes.  Come and go as you please.  If you want, I can throw in a mediation afterwards or you can stay after if you want to chat for a bit.  Feel free to share this invitation with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers!

Time: Every week on Sun, from until May 5, 2024 to Aug 25, 2024, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

  • Aug 25, 2024 07:00 PM

Please download and import the iCalendar (.ics) file to your calendar system.

Meeting ID: 889 5755 725
Passcode: 650132

Mindfulness Resources

We invite you to explore our list of mindfulness resources, compiled by Mitchell Alegre.

Department Staff

Dr. Donna C. Phillips
Dr. Donna C. Phillips

Associate Professor

View Profile »
