Program Overview

The focus of the Social Media and Digital Marketing concentration is content marketing excellence through courses in social media, digital marketing, and digital analytics.

Experts in social media and digital marketing enjoy leadership positions in virtually all industries including advertising, public relations, fashion, high-tech, manufacturing, consumer products, finance, industrial, and entrepreneurial startups.

The use of digital advertising now comprises over 72% of total advertising expenditures for many businesses (eMarketer, 2022). In the past, firms used social and digital channels to enhance traditional marketing programs, today the most successful firms are focusing on social media and digital as the primary marketing channels. Brand value is increasingly delivered through creative content marketing programs, initiated by both consumers and companies.

Students become experts in the latest theory and best practices of envisioning, creating, deploying, and measuring the impact of content in social media and digital channels. The goal of this concentration is to prepare students for rewarding and exciting careers across the spectrum of opportunities in the social and digital space.

We are living in the content creation economy. Digital content, in all forms, has the power to attract, engage, sustain, and propel brands to market leadership. The philosophy of this concentration is that content excellence is the foundation of all social media and digital marketing. Students learn how to create, distribute, measure, and grow engagement with content to achieve organizational goals. In so doing, students create a rich, deep, and creative content portfolio that will serve as proof of exceptional abilities upon graduation, thereby leading to a distinct advantage in career development.

Student scrolling NU's Instagram on phone
Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU?
Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU? Why Social Media & Digital Marketing Concentration at NU?

The foundation of this concentration is content excellence. Students learn the latest content strategies and tactic for impact.


Students develop an extensive content portfolio based on careful study of the world’s leading social and digital marketers and insights from award-winning agencies.

Industry Certifications

The concentration is designed to jumpstart careers in social media and digital marketing. Students complete the concentration with industry-recognized certifications.

Explore This Minor!

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Pursuing a minor can enhance your academic experience and broaden your expertise beyond your major field of study. The minor coursework is designed to provide foundational knowledge and specialized skills to diversity your academic credentials and future opportunities. Explore coursework for a minor in this program!


Student intently listening to a lecture

Prepare to Soar

Academic, Experiential, and Career Pathways


Female student with text "find your wings"

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NU offers rolling admissions, which means that you can apply at any time for the upcoming semester. Applications are reviewed as they come in, and students are typically notified of an admission decision in 3-4 weeks. What’s stopping you?

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Main Contact

Dr. Paul S. Richardson
Dr. Paul S. Richardson


M: 12 - 2 p.m.
T: 12 - 2 p.m.
TH: 12 - 2 p.m.

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Department Faculty

Dr. Shawn P. Daly


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Dr. Bingyang Fang

Assistant Professor of Marketing

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Dr. Hsin-Yi Liao

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Paul S. Richardson


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Stacey Woock

Faculty Fellow

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