The university requires that all Niagara students live in the residence halls for their first two years, except as noted below. The need for this regulation is predicated on statistics that show students who live in residence halls tend to perform better academically, acclimate more rapidly to the collegiate environment, become involved in a greater number of learning experiences that complement classroom teachings, and are more satisfied in general with the college experience.
The only exceptions to the residency requirement are:
- Commuters: students commuting from their parent/guardian’s permanent home address, which is no more than 50 miles from campus.
- Transfers: students who enter Niagara University with junior or senior status as determined at the time of admission.
- Married students (with proof of marriage certificate).
- Veterans (with proof of military service).
- Independents: students who show proof of maintaining financial independence for at least two years prior to submission of request to live off campus.
Requests for exemption of the residency requirement should be made to the Office of Residence Life by December 1st if appealing for the spring semester and July 1st if appealing for the fall semester.
Please contact us, call 716.286.8566, or stop by our office in O’Shea Hall if you are planning to move off-campus.