No-Show and Cancellation Policy

A positive relationship with recruiters is extremely important for the continued success of on-campus interviews at Niagara University. These relationships are adversely affected when a recruiter is faced with a “no-show” or cancellation. While we understand that it is impossible to predict illnesses or emergencies, we ask that you contact the OCS as soon as possible if you are unable to make your scheduled interview. When you do not show up for an interview or cancel at the last minute, you prevent other students from having the opportunity to interview. Always keep your schedule updated so that you do not forget an interview time or date.

If you do not show for a scheduled interview or do not cancel 24 hours in advance, there is no guaranteed that you will be permitted to continue participating in on-campus interviews.

Upon Acceptance of a Job Offer:

  • Notify Career Services immediately to withdraw from the recruiting program and to allow us to congratulate you!
  • Notify other employers with whom you have offers pending.
  • Honor your acceptance of the offer as a contractual agreement with the employer. Do not continue to interview after accepting an offer. Reneging on an accepted offer is unacceptable!